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How to Calculate Non-Economic Damages After an Accident

Non-economic damages in a car accident pertain to your intangible losses. It is difficult to put a specific dollar value to these losses.

Examples of non-economic damages include pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment, loss of consortium, and disfigurement. A car accident lawyer can help you recover non-economic damages for your car crash claim.

If you’re hurt in a car accident, here’s what you need to know about your non-economic damages. Your lawyer can take charge and help you get the answers you need.

The Multiplier Method

It is easy to calculate economic damages such as medical costs or property damage. However, determining the precise amount of non-economic damages is more complicated. California law generally puts no cap on non-economic damages. The only exception is medical malpractice cases where non-economic compensation is limited to $250,000.

One option for calculating your losses is the multiplier method. In this case, you multiply the economic damages by a number between 1 and 5. The actual number depends on various factors like the severity of your injury, the expected timeline of recovery, and its long-term impact.
If your injuries are less severe and you expect to recover soon, the multiplier is a smaller number, usually between 1 and 2. If your injuries are critical and you may have to live with lifelong consequences, the number can be as high as 4 or 5.

Suppose your economic damages are $10,000. A multiplier of 2 is used if you have suffered injuries with a moderate degree of pain and suffering. So your non-economic damages are $20,000. If a multiplier of 4 is used, the non-economic damages become $40,000. Fortunately, your lawyer has the tools needed to accurately calculate this multiplier.

The Per Diem Method

It is also known as the daily rate method. A specific dollar value is defined for each day you live with your injuries when using this method. This per day rate is then multiplied by the total number of days you expect to live with the consequences of the injury.

For lifelong disabilities or limitations, the per-day rate is multiplied with the rest of your life based on your average life expectancy. When you reach maximum medical improvement, your lawyer can help you calculate what you’re due for these damages.

Because these numbers can be complex and setting a daily rate for your suffering can be difficult, you may need a lawyer’s help. They can handle the calculations, while you focus on regaining your health and wellbeing.

Reach Out to an Accident Lawyer in San Diego

Calculating non-economic damages is complicated and the actual figures vary from case to case. Factors such as life expectancy, estimated time of recovery, lifestyle limitations, and state laws have to be considered.

The lawyers at The Kindley Firm, APC are experienced in helping car crash victims recover non-economic compensation. Our lawyers can estimate the severity of your pain and suffering, and we can represent you in the courtroom to get the funds you’re due.

Ready to get started? We offer free consultations. Call us today at 619-550-1313 to discuss your claim with our lawyers. You can also seek us out by filling out the online contact form below.

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