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$7.2 Million Product Liability Vehicle/Brain Injury

Car Accident Brain Damage: What Comes Next?

Car accidents are extremely dangerous. You could be suffering from severe pain, and at best, a mild concussion. At worst, the accident might have caused severe brain damage that can drastically affect the rest of your life.

Serious car accidents can be traumatizing. Full recovery can take years, if you are able to recover fully at all. Although modern medicine has made great strides in treating brain damage cases, it can be a long, confusing process to move past the trauma and get the compensation you need.

Fortunately, you don’t have to go through the process of recovering from a brain injury without help. If you’ve experienced brain damage after a car accident, knowing the following steps can make recovery and receiving your compensation easier.

Seeking Therapy

Your first step is to seek medical attention. If you lost consciousness during the car crash, your doctor should thoroughly examine you for brain damage, which can have lasting effects on your quality of life. Worse, a serious injury might cause the brain to bleed or swell, which requires emergency surgery to relieve the pressure and prevent further damage.

Once the initial danger has passed, what comes next? After you’ve begun medical treatment, you’ll likely also need both physical and mental therapy. Your brain is the center of your cognitive function and the command center for your body. Brain injuries can affect your daily life in many ways.

For example, you might have lost some physical coordination after the auto wreck, and now you’re struggling to perform some daily tasks, such as walking smoothly or gripping a pen tightly. Physical rehab can help you regain some or all of these abilities.

If you are unable to regain some abilities, doctors might instead focus on ways to circumvent these issues. For example, if you’re unable to walk without assistance, you might be taught to use a cane.

The mental toll of a brain injury is also serious. You might have trouble thinking clearly, understanding others, speaking correctly, or focusing. Your rehab sessions will also focus on these issues and ways to heal or work around them.

Filing a Claim

Although the damage you’ve suffered might be serious, you will have the chance to seek recompense. If someone caused your accident, consider filing a claim for your compensation. The other driver might be unwilling to pay for your injuries, especially considering the expensive nature of brain injury treatment.

In this case, you might need to take the claim to civil court to sue for damages. If you’re struggling to file a claim on your own, reach out to a car accident attorney in California for help.

Seeking Out a Lawyer

When you’re in a car accident and suffer brain damage, what comes next? You’ll need to fight for your claim, but that can be difficult when you’re trying to focus on recovering from a head injury. Fortunately, a lawyer from The Kindley Firm, APC, can help.

When you’re struggling with a car accident claim, we can fight to help you achieve a positive resolution and receive the full compensation you deserve. We’ll start with a free consultation, so before signing any paperwork, you’ll know how we plan to handle your claim.

For more information, call us at 619-550-1313 or reach out through the following online form.

  • No fees unless we win
  • No obligation to continue beyond the case review
  • Get all your legal questions answered