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Chula Vista Truck Accident Lawyer

After a truck accident leaves you injured, your health and your financial stability are on the line. You need compensation for your injuries and other expenses; let a Chula Vista truck crash lawyer help you get it.

Because of their enormous size, commercial trucks can cause some of the worst crashes that occur on the road. Disfigurement, disability, and even death are all common outcomes of 18-wheeler and semi-truck crashes.

If you’ve been the victim of a truck accident, you’ve been through a traumatizing experience. Unfortunately, you may encounter yet another trauma when you see your hospital bill and realize you’re unable to work because of your injuries.

But if the truck accident was the result of another party’s negligence, you may have a shot at receiving compensation for your suffering. It won’t be easy if you choose to file a claim without the help of a lawyer, however.

To avoid getting pushed around and give yourself the best chance of being compensated, team up with a Chula Vista truck accident lawyer at The Kindley Firm, APC. We’ll fight tirelessly to maximize your personal injury compensation.

Fault in Commercial Trucking Wrecks

As you pursue compensation for your Chula Vista truck crash injuries, it’s important to understand how California attributes fault in legal proceedings.

California uses a statute called comparative fault to divvy up liability in trucking accidents, which can decrease your payout if you have poor legal representation or none at all. The reason for this is simple: The defendant might successfully pin some of the blame on you.

For example, you may have been on the phone at the time of the crash, which could partially delegitimize your claim that the speeding truck driver was at fault. If you’re assigned 30 percent of the blame, you’ll only receive 70 percent of the awarded compensation.

What Caused Your Truck Crash?

There are a number of ways to prove who was at fault for the truck accident that injured you. Some situations that would demonstrate that another party was responsible for the truck crash include the following:

  • Drowsy Driving – If a truck driver has been overworked—legally defined as having worked over seventy hours in a given week—or is drowsy for any other reason, your Chula Vista semi-truck accident attorney can use this to prove fault.
  • Drunk Driving – Proving that an 18-wheeler driver was drunk is a strong way to demonstrate negligence. The same goes for drug use while driving.
  • Distracted Driving – If a truck driver was texting, arguing with a passenger, or otherwise distracted at the time of the accident, this can suggest negligence on the part of the driver.
  • Unsecured Cargo – If the truck’s cargo loader improperly loaded the truck and the cargo later caused your crash, you might be able to name the loader in your claim.
  • Dangerous Roads – When a government agency that is tasked with keeping the roads safe for travel fails to do so, you might be able to pursue compensation from that agency if its negligence caused your truck accident.

Californians have two years from the date of a truck accident to file an injury claim, according to the state’s statute of limitations.

Chula Vista Truck Accident Injuries

Semi-truck and 18-wheeler crashes can cause injuries that range from minor to deadly. Some common Chula Vista truck accident injuries for which you can pursue compensation include the following:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal injuries
  • Face or eye injuries
  • Broken or fractured bones
  • Amputations

Contact a Chula Vista Trucking Accident Lawyer

When you’re involved in a crash with an 18-wheeler or semi-truck, there’s a good chance your life will change for the worse. On top of that, the other side’s legal team will try to exclude the at-fault party from any blame, making it difficult to get the compensation you need for a full recovery.

If you find yourself needing reliable legal representation, a Chula Vista truck accident lawyer at The Kindley Firm, APC, can help you. Call us at 619-550-1313 or fill out the online contact form below.

  • No fees unless we win
  • No obligation to continue beyond the case review
  • Get all your legal questions answered