When you get into a San Diego car accident, you may suffer physically and emotionally. If you weren’t responsible for causing your accident, it can be hard to move forward and return to normal life. You deserve justice for what happened to you and the best way to receive a settlement is to file a legal claim.
Your car was likely damaged in the collision, which means you must recover compensation to pay for it. If your car was totaled in the accident, then the insurance company will assess the fair market value of your car to provide you with a cash settlement.
The fair market value of your car is determined by comparing your vehicle to similar vehicles in the same condition. What insurance companies won’t consider is any custom parts you may have added to your car to increase its value. A San Diego car accident lawyer from The Kindley Firm, APC can help you fight your claim and get you the settlement you deserve.
If you don’t agree with the fair market value of your vehicle that the insurance company provides, you can use evidence to challenge the assessment. Evidence may include receipts showing upgrades to your vehicle, such as specialty tires or a unique sound system. A car accident lawyer can help you with this process.
If you’re having trouble dealing with an insurance company in your car accident claim, reach out to an experienced attorney. At The Kindley Firm, APC, we know how to handle car accident lawsuits. A San Diego car accident lawyer from our team will work hard to increase your settlement. To schedule a free consultation, call 619-550-1313 or fill out the contact form below.