When you are injured in an accident, the first thing you think about needing to pay for is medical expenses. You may also experience a loss of income from being out of work because of your injuries and, if you were in a car accident or work-related accident, you may also have property damages, as well. These are all considered economic damages because they’re tangible financial losses.
Non-economic damages, however, should be equally accounted for in any personal injury lawsuit. When you’re injured in an accident due to someone else’s negligence, the liable party should have to compensate you not only for your financial losses, but also for the damage that’s been done to your lifestyle. Each state defines non-economic damages differently and may put caps on these damages.
If you’re hoping to obtain compensation after a personal injury, the attorneys at The Kindley Firm, APC can help maximize your settlement by ensuring both economic and non-economic damages are included in your claim. We’ll negotiate on your behalf so that you can focus on a full recovery without added financial stress.
Non-economic damages in the state of California are broken into categories. Pain and suffering is the most common category of non-economic damages because it encompasses the detrimental experience of the accident or injury you’ve suffered. Emotional distress is another one of the non-economic damages you may be able to claim because this includes effects to your mental state.
Other non-economic damages include loss of enjoyment of life, disability and disfigurement, and loss of consortium.
Although no amount of compensation can undo the effects of the injuries you’ve suffered, non-economic damages can help accommodate for the effects of the trauma. Aside from your medical expenses needing to be paid, you should be awarded for having to experience this injury at all. Your non-economic damages will usually be calculated based on the severity of your injury.
If your injury is long-term or permanent, if your injury has caused significant emotional trauma, if your injury will require significant recovery time, or if your injury will significantly disrupt your everyday life, you may receive a higher amount of non-economic damages.
Having an experienced attorney on your side can be beneficial if you want your non-economic damages to be examined correctly. At The Kindley Firm, APC, we’ll ensure every damage you’ve suffered is accounted for so that your claim is maximized.
If you’re ready to speak with a San Diego personal injury lawyer about your case in greater detail, fill out the contact form below or call 619-550-1313 to schedule a free consultation.