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Signs of Elder Abuse

Accepting the aging process is a hard pill to swallow. As you see your loved ones lose control over their health, you may feel powerless and afraid. Nursing homes and in-home care services in San Diego can give your family members the support needed to age peacefully. Unfortunately, when you trust others to care for your loved ones, they don’t always provide the same level of care you would.

Elder abuse can occur in many forms, and your family member can suffer if this abuse goes undetected. It’s essential to know the signs of elder abuse so you can stop it and hold the culprit accountable. If you believe your elderly loved one has been abused, you should reach out to a San Diego elder abuse lawyer from The Kindley Firm, APC. We’ll help your family seek justice through a personal injury claim.

Signs of Neglect

Neglect is a common form of elder abuse that can often go unnoticed. When you hire a caregiver to take care of your family member, it’s important for them to do their job. If they neglect your loved one, it can be considered abuse.

If the caregiver doesn’t bathe your loved one, your loved one may develop bedsores or emotional issues. If the caregiver doesn’t medicate your loved one, your loved one can become sick or die. If you notice your loved one’s physical or emotional demeanor has changed, neglect may be the underlying cause.

Psychological Abuse

Psychological abuse can involve manipulation, belittling, harassment, or exploitation of the elderly. This type of abuse may not be easy to identify because your elderly family member may not come forward about their mistreatment. If your loved one becomes distant without explanation, you should investigate further to determine whether psychological abuse is occurring.

Physical Abuse

Physical abuse is any harmful gesture toward an elderly person. This may include hitting, pushing, slapping, or pinching. Caregivers must be patient with the elderly and understand their fragility. If you notice unexplained bruises, scratches, or marks on your loved one’s skin, you should find an explanation.

Financial Exploitation

Financial exploitation of the elderly is a common form of abuse because the elderly are a vulnerable population. If someone steals from your loved one or convinces your elderly loved one to pay them a large sum of money under false circumstances, you can take legal action. Once your loved one gets to a certain age, you should consider managing their money for them to prevent this type of abuse.

Contact a San Diego Elder Abuse Attorney

The elderly are an easy target of abuse. As the guardian of your elderly family member, you should do everything in your power to watch over them and prevent abuse from occurring. If you notice signs of mistreatment, you can speak to a lawyer and file a claim.

If you’re ready to discuss your case in greater detail, contact a San Diego elder abuse lawyer from The Kindley Firm, APC. To schedule a free consultation, call 619-550-1313 or fill out the contact form below.

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