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Filing a Civil Claim for Your Child’s Sports Injury

Most people don’t know that a child’s sports injury could be covered under personal injury laws. It depends on the situation, of course, but there are instances when an injury may be covered.

In most cases, an injury would not be covered because sports injuries are considered a part of playing the game. In fact, many children’s sports teams have the parents sign waivers that state they will not sue if their child is injured.

In some instances, your case wouldn’t hold much water. If, for instance, your child was hurt during the normal course of a soccer game, the injury might not be covered. However, there are many occasions when a sports injury would be covered, so it’s important to be able to tell the difference.

Types of Sports Injuries That Might Warrant Compensation

It’s not so much the seriousness of the injury, or even what sport was being played, that will make you and the injured child eligible to file a personal injury claim. It’s actually the circumstances of the injury.

Example 1: A child suffers a broken leg during a football game and there is no information that suggests that the injury was anything other than a normal sports injury. This injury would not likely be covered.

Example 2: A child is injured during soccer practice when the soccer coach pushes the exhausted child far beyond his or her limits. This type of injury may be covered if it can be proven that the coach was not putting the child’s wellbeing first.

Here are a few more ideas of injuries that very likely would qualify you to file a civil claim on behalf of your child:

  • Lack of Supervision – If a child is injured because an adult was not appropriately supervising the sport, the adult could be liable.
  • Reckless Conduct – This is when a child is injured due to especially reckless or dangerous conduct, especially when the conduct does not fall within the normal parameters of what is acceptable for the sport—tackling someone during a soccer game, for instance.
  • Unsafe Facilities – If a child is hurt because the facilities or field are unsafe, you could file a claim. For instance, breaking a leg because of a giant hole in the middle of a baseball field might qualify.
  • Broken or Unsafe Equipment – If your child is injured by defective equipment, you could have a viable claim.

These are not all the examples and every case is unique, so it’s best to discuss your case with an injury lawyer who can help you determine whether you have a good shot at recovering compensation.


Who Could Be Liable for a Child’s Sports Injury

Here are a few examples of who might be liable for your child’s sports-related injury: coaches, teachers, other parents, schools, sports facility owners, or extracurricular organizations.

Call a Personal Injury Lawyer

If your child suffered a sports injury because of someone else’s negligence, you may be able to file a claim for compensation. Contact The Kindley Firm, APC, to get your case reviewed for free. Call 619-550-1313 or fill out the consultation form at the bottom of this page.

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  • No obligation to continue beyond the case review
  • Get all your legal questions answered