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San Diego Plane Crash Lawyer

Aviation accidents can cause devastating losses to those injured or to the family of someone killed. Contact a San Diego plane crash attorney at The Kindley Firm, APC, to discuss your case and recover your losses.

Although plane accidents are rare, they do happen. And the results are usually catastrophic. If you’ve survived a plane wreck, you’ve likely suffered serious injuries. If you’ve lost a loved one in an aviation accident, you may also want to seek justice by holding whoever is responsible accountable for his or her negligence.

Either way, you can obtain compensation filing a personal injury claim against the negligent party. Aviation accidents aren’t easy to prove, and sometimes multiple parties could have caused the crash. Your San Diego plane crash lawyer will help you with proving fault and suing those responsible in civil court.

You deserve justice for this horrific experience, and we know how to get it for you.

Factors That Contribute to San Diego Aviation Accidents

Many airplane accidents are caused by human error. Whether it was the pilot who made mistakes or an airplane mechanic who failed to notice a mechanical issue, someone is usually to blame for the crash.

Although it’s unlikely that anyone purposefully caused the plane to crash, the responsible party should be held accountable for the injuries others suffered because of his or her carelessness.

Depending on the circumstances, various people can be held liable for a plane accident, and your plane crash attorney in San Diego will need to investigate the incident to determine who was to blame. Here is a look at some frequent causes of aviation accidents:

  • Mechanical malfunctions
  • Air traffic controller errors
  • Pilot errors
  • Maintenance issues
  • Manufacturing defects

San Diego Aviation Accident Compensation

No matter who or what caused your plane to crash, a San Diego aviation accident attorney from our firm can help you win the compensation you need. Once we determine who is responsible, we will name the at-fault party in your personal injury claim.

We will then provide evidence of your injuries and damages so you can be compensated for all the ways this plane wreck has changed your life. Below is a list of damages you can seek compensation for in a plane accident claim:

  • Wrongful death
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of wages or permanent disability
  • Permanent injury or scarring
  • Loss of a limb
  • Emotional and mental trauma
  • Medical costs
  • Loss of life enjoyment

Contact a San Diego Plane Crash Attorney

Whether you’ve been injured in a plane crash or you’ve lost a loved one, if you believe the crash was the result of someone’s negligence, you may be able to file a personal injury claim. Filing a claim could allow you to collect compensation for your losses, and it can also serve justice to those responsible.

The Kindley Firm, APC, has a San Diego plane crash lawyer ready to discuss your case during a free initial consultation. We will investigate the cause of the plane crash and determine who is responsible for your damages. Contact us through the form below or by calling 619-550-1313.

  • No fees unless we win
  • No obligation to continue beyond the case review
  • Get all your legal questions answered